Sunday, September 13, 2009



Special Dispatch to the Standard

Deer Lodge, May 30.—The William K. Kohrs memorial library was dedicated this evening, and the deeds for the property were conveyed by Senator Kohrs to the city. Mayor McTague on behalf of the city of Deer Lodge accepted the gift and agreed to maintain it from public use. The public library building is built of enduring material, equipped with modern fixtures and standard books, and, as presented to the city, is free from all encumbrance. Following is the programme of exercises, the music being rendered by Mme Erich’s orchestra of Butte: Music, orchestra: prayer, Rev. F. E. Bancroft; address. A. D. Peck; presentation of deed of gift, Senator Conrad Kohrs; acceptance of the same, Mayor McTague; music, orchestra; address, Judge Hiram Knowles; music, orchestra; address, Chief Justice Theodore Brantly; music, orchestra. The transfer was made in public in the library building, and was witnessed by many citizens of Deer Lodge.

Senator Kohrs’ Remarks.

The remarks of Senator Kohrs in presenting the library to the city were as follows: “Mr. Mayor of the City of Deer Lodge: To you, as representing this city, and my good old friends the people of Deer Lodge, I herewith present the title deeds of this edifice and all that pertains thereto, free of all encumbrance. It is to be known as the William K. Kohrs memorial library, and is a testimonial from my wife and myself to the memory of our dearly loved and only son and our affection for him and the people of our home. We could conceive of no memorial that would be more worthily penetrate his memory or be of greater benefit to the people. I ask you here to dedicate it for all time as a free library for the use and benefit of the people of Deer Lodge, subject only to such rules and regulations as the trustees may establish for the welfare of all. This gift, inspired by affection beyond all words to express, has been close to our hearts, and that interest will abide with us while we live. I trust you will accept it for this people in the spirit in which it is tendered, and that it will grow dearer to their hearts as the years go by, until all of us here are but memories in this dear old town, where so many of us have lived our lives and where we hope at last will be regretfully said above us, ‘Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.’ ”

Mayor McTague’s Response.

The response of Mayor McTague was as follows: “Senator Kohrs, Mr. Chairman, My Friends and Fellow Citizens of Deer Lodge: The duty which devolves upon me to-day of accepting, on behalf of the city of Deer Lodge, this magnificent library is a pleasant one to me. There are others, perhaps, who would perform that duty more gracefully. There are others, no doubt, skilled in oratory and the framing of sounding sentences who would make a better speech than you will listen to from my lips this evening. But I want to say to you, my friends, that no one can stand here in my place with a sense of more profound and earnest gratitude to the noble donor of this splendid gift. I want to say to you that no man in accepting this library could do so with a higher appreciation of what it means to our city and our people, with a feeling of greater pride in its possession and with a higher respect of the noble pioneer who presents it to us, than I.”

One of Choicest Possessions.

“The pubic library is one of the choicest possessions of any community. It makes for the education of the young and the intellectual gratification of the mature; it counteracts in a great measure those evils, which have their abiding place where humanity congregates. That it is impossible for every family to possess all of the standing literature of the day and to place from the home shelves into the hands of the growing generation those works, the outpouring of the great minds of the past and present, which tend to culture and improve, is a fact so generally understood to require no iteration at this time. Therefore those who earnestly desire the advancement of the race and the progress of our people in civilization and culture have been at work all over this land of ours in bringing about the forwarding of the library movement by public tax or private benefaction. Many of the cities and towns of the country are already supplied with splendid depositories of knowledge and literature. Heretofore our little city of Deer Lodge, a city in which all of us take justifiable pride; a city which saw its foundation before many of the great communities of the West were born; a city which has a deserved reputation for refinement and education and pure home life, has been without this necessary adjunct of a well-regulated town.”

The Deficiency Supplied.

“Now, thanks to the generosity of our honored fellow citizen, that the deficiency has been supplied. Hon. Conrad Kohrs, a resident of this city for more than a third of a century, a gentleman in whose prosperity we all delight, and in which whose prosperity we all delight, and in whose manliness and integrity and honor we see typified those things which he believes make up the chief characteristics of the manhood of pioneer Montana has created for us this splendid and imposing building, and has stocked it with a selection of volumes which make up one of the finest libraries in the land. He gives it to us for use and pleasure, freely, voluntary, in memory of his son whom we all new and loved, and whose death was a personal sorrow and affliction to us all.
This building shall stand as a monument to him, a worthy scion of an honored family, who grew up here with us and your children. It is fitting that we have such a memorial of a loved Deer Lodge boy, who was called all to soon to the great beyond.”

Fitting Time for Ceremony.

“It is also fitting that this gift should be dedicated on Memorial day, and it is most praiseworthy that such a memorial should be erected and presented by that boy’s father. Senator Kohrs, in presenting this most valuable gift to us, attaches no arbitrary restrictions. He asks simply tat we do not use it for dancing, a request most reasonable and fitting, considering the memorial character of the structure, and that we do not use it for the holding of sectarian services, a request which is eminently fitting and just and calculated to prevent the wounding of the sensibilities of any creed or denomination; also that we do not use it for political meetings. In a word, Senator Kohrs asks simply that the library be used for the greatest benefit for all the people. It will be our pleasure to observe these few wishes of the generous builder at all times.”

An Event in History.

“This occasion is one which will stand in the history of Deer Lodge as one of the chiefest events. Seldom it is, in a community of this size of Deer Lodge, that one of its citizens has both the public spiritedness and the means to make such a magnificent gift to the people. Still more seldom is it that a community the size of Deer Lodge receives from any source a library of such rare excellence as this one. This is a day of pride for this pioneer town, and one which should be marked with red letters on the calendar. It is full of possibilities for the future, and its incidents will furnish rich recollections in years to come. An honored citizen honors us today in giving us that which will ever be a help and assistance to our people, not only for this generation, but the generations to come. And now, Senator Kohrs, it is my pleasant duty on behalf of the citizens of Deer Lodge, to accept at your hands the deed to this beautiful building and all it contains, and dedicate the same to the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and express to you, feeble though my words may be, their gratitude for and their appreciation of the gift, and to give you assurance that the William K. Kohrs Memorial Library ever will be used as you wish it used. Senator Kohrs, the people of Deer Lodge thank you.”


The Anaconda Standard: Sunday Morning, May 31 1903

Friday, June 26, 2009

1882 Davenport, Scott County, Iowa

Davenport, Ia. 1888. Wellge, H. (Henry)

CREATED/PUBLISHED: Milwaukee, American Publishing Co. [1888]
NOTES: Perspective map not drawn to scale., Bird's-eye-view. Includes illus. and index to points of interest.
MEDIUM: col. map 50 x 101 cm.
CALL NUMBER: G4154.D2A3 1888 .W4
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650 USA

Davenport, Iowa 1888

To download a large view of this map, click the link above
(File Size: 33.4 MB)

Date: unknown
Creator: unknown
Image Source: From the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division.
Permission: Public Domain

Panoramic View of Davenport, Iowa
To download a large view of this map, click the link above
(File Size: 10.9 MB)

From 1882 Iowa State Gazeteer and Business Directory: Davenport, Scott County, Iowa

DAVENPORT- The city of Davenport is situated on the west bank of the Mississippi River, 188 miles west of Chicago, Ill., 249 north of St. Louis, Mo., and 174 east of Des Moines. It was first laid out in 1836, and the county of Scott, of which it is the judicial seat, was organized in 1837. Its growth in population and wealth has been steady and constant from the first, and today its commercial importance is second to no city in Iowa. Nearly opposite, in Illinois, are the cities of Rock Island and Moline, and in the river is situated Rock Island, upon which is located the most extensive government arsenal and armory in the county. The three cities and the islands are connected by fine bridges. The C.R.I. & P. Ry, and the D line C., M & St P Ry, are the important railway lines which enter the city which with close connections with other lines on the opposite side of the river and the great Mississippi highway itself, gives it ample shipping facilities to every point of the compass. The sum of $66,194 was expended in 1881 upon the maintenance of its public schools. Griswold College and several other smaller educational institutions are also well supported. Its academy of natural sciences and public library are the pride of the city. Twenty-five churches of various denominations are well sustained. The water works system is complete and is supplemented by a fire department with fire alarm telegraph. About 10 miles of street railways are in operation. A telephone exchange connects the three cities of Davenport, Rock Island and Moline and several villages within a radius of 15 miles. The leading hotels are the Kimball House and the St. James, and there are no better in the west. The Burtis opera house is a fine structure with a seating capacity of 1600. There are three daily newspapers and six weekly journals.

For healthfulness Davenport ranks first of 60 cities reporting to the National Health Bureau. Its death rate for 1881 was 17.2 in 1000 being the lowest on the list. The manufacturing and commercial interests of the city are best shown by a brief resume of the statistics compiled by the Gazette for the year 1881 as follows:

The cut of lumber by its several mills was larger than ever known in its history. The sales for the year aggregated a value of $1,280,000 with 480 men employed. In agricultural implements, the facilities for manufacture have been largely increased by extensive additions to buildings and working force and capital, among the most prominent of which are the Eagle Manufacturing Company, the Davenport Plow Company, and J.S. Davis' Sons. The Davenport Pump Co., the Oatmeal mill, and the "Crescent" and "Phoenix” flouring mills have each largely increased their capacity for manufacture. The Glucose Co. has made extensive additions to its works, and has now a capacity for consuming 3, 000 bushels of corn daily. The Davenport Pottery, a comparatively new enterprise, has doubled its capacity. The Davenport Woolen Mills, long suspended, have renewed operations with extensive contracts. The manufacture of carriages and wagons, of furniture, confectionery, crackers, cigars, lager beer, cordage, etc. has largely increased, and give every evidence of profitable results. Among the new and important enterprises inaugurated during the last six months of the year are the sash and blind factory of George Ott, which employs 20 men, the Groton Manufacturing Co. branch house (Messers. Perrigo & Avery and Chas. Perrigo & Co., of Groton, N.Y., proprietors) for the manufacture and sale of threshing machines, agricultural engines, etc.; the Davenport Vinegar and Pickling Works; and the Stearns & Smith Paint Company, for the manufacture of mixed paints. Each of the above, except the latter company, has erected extensive and substantial structures for the accommodation of their business.

Davenport is each year increasing its wholesale and jobbing trade; in 1881 there was $1,742,000 capital invested, the sales amounting to $8,273,500. The number of loaded cars received for the year 1881 was 15,875. The number forwarded was 17,176. By river the shipments show a total of 251,600 packages, consisting of potatoes, onions, grain, flour, oatmeal, etc., in sacks; barrels of sugar, vinegar, and oil, pumps, agricultural implements, merchandise, etc, in various shapes. A proportionate increase is confidently expected for the future Population, 23,570. Exp. U.S. and Am. Tel., W.U., Mail daily.

Click on the link below to retrieve the complete 1882 Iowa State Gazeteer and Business Directory: Davenport, Scott County, Iowa
1882 Iowa State Gazeteer and Business Directory: Davenport, Scott County, Iowa

Saturday, June 13, 2009

PETER BRUHN: Descendants Chart

PETER BRUHN: Descendants Chart

To download the expanded version of this descendants chart, click the link above and save the jpeg file to your computer

(File Size: 2.5 MB)

You can save the file to disk, then take the disk to a quick copy shop like Kinkos and print it on their plotter.

The PETER BRUHN Descendants Chart includes the associated LOHMANN and KOHRS family tree that follows some of our ancestry as far back as the 1500’s.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pioneer City, Montana

Pioneer Ghost Town( photo taken by Grizzly, M. T. ) 1

NAME: Pioneer
COUNTY: Powell
CLIMATE: Cold winter with snow and cool summer.
COMMENTS: Not too far from Helena - UPDATE: Pioneer, located in Montana, no longer exists. I was told that a rancher who owns the property it stood on bulldozed it all to the ground to make room for his cattle to graze. This news was confirmed by several of the locals. Sad new!
REMAINS: A few ruins.2

The Pioneer Mining District was organized in 1866. Water was brought to the site by various ditches, all, eventually, controlled by cattle baron Conrad Kohrs. Kohrs used his control of the water to buy up claims in the area, and, eventually, control mining in Pioneer. The post office in Pioneer was opened in 1870. At the height of the mining activity, the town had a population of 500 people; four brewries; six saloons; two hotels and four general stores. When the claims started to play out in the 1880's, Chinese immigrants came in and worked the tailings. A mining engineer from Butte, Montana, Pat Wells, recognized the potential for dredging operations in Pioneer in 1929. Wells bought out all of Kohrs' holdings and commenced dredging in the area.2

There was little activity on Gold Creek until 1866, when the Pioneer mining district was organized. The placers of Pioneer Creek and its tributaries, French and Squaw gulches, soon overshadowed the initial placers on Gold Creek. Under laws of the new district, bar claims of 200 feet running back to the summit of the hill could be made. In 1867, the Pioneer Company began using hydraulics on the bars. Although no rush ensued, mining activity picked up and the population of the Pioneer district rose to a high of 1000. Most of the population was concentrated in the new camp of Yam Hill near Batterton Bar.3

Lack of water was more of a problem than the apparent lack of gold. In 1868 or 1869 Conrad Kohrs and others, formed the Rock Creek Ditch Company, to build a 16 mile canal to deliver water from Rock Creek to the Pioneer, Willow Creek, and Pikes Peak districts. The system initially delivered water to the Gold Hill terraces; the first terrace to be worked was the slope descending down to Pikes Peak Creek. These terraces contained rich gold deposits. Several hundred men worked the placers and a reported $140,000 was recovered in a single season from a pit on Batterton Bar. By 1870, it was estimated that $20,000,000 in placer gold had been taken from the gulches (Pardee 1951; Wolle 1963).3

The Pioneer district never rivaled the other major strikes of Montana, but just the same the district flourished all through the 1870s. New placer deposits were discovered and developed at French Gulch, Squaw Gulch, Woods Flat and Wilson's Bar. By 1874 the richer parts of the terraces had been worked, but new deposits were discovered at Pioneer Bar and Ballard Hill. As these placers grew, the town of Yam Hill became deserted and a new town of Pioneer City began to grow. It has been estimated that over a million dollars of gold dust (at $20.67 per ounce) was removed from the Pioneer Bar in the late 1870s and early 1880s (Pardee 1951; Wolle 1963).3


1. Grizzly, M. T. Pioneer Ghost Town. Retrieved July 3, 2009 from

2. Ghost Towns. Retrieved June 13, 2009 from

3. Abandoned Mine Program, aka Gold Creek. Retrieved June 13, 2009 from

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

CK Brand

Montana Stockgrowers Association Represented On Quilt
by Angel Wyrwas

The Montana Cattlewomen's mission is to support the livestock industry and its environment by its labor and finances through promotional information, publicity, and education. Long known for their scholarships, conferences, and Ag in Montana Schools program, much of the Cattlewomen's tireless efforts this year have been directed towards promoting the Montana Stockgrowers Association's 125th anniversary celebration slated to take place in Miles City June 11-13. Last fall the Montana Cattlewomen, a nonprofit organization, decided to hold a fundraiser by raffling off a quilt promoting the Montana Stockgrowers Association. The committee discussed finding someone to make the nine square quilt for them. Committee member Wanda Pinnow of Baker, announced the Cattlewomen's plan at the local Baker Cowbelles meeting. Cowbelles and Cattlewomen member and long time quilter, Linda Logsdon also of Baker, offered to make the quilt for the Cattlewoman at less than half her usual price. However, she asked if she might do something more creative with the quilt design. The Cattlewomen never look a gift horse in the mouth and gave Linda the thumbs up as long as it said Montana Stockgrowers Association on it. The quilt was commissioned.

Once Linda finished her design, the work began. The Cattlewomen advertised across the state for ranch owners to have their brand put on the quilt. The quilt contains 90 Montana livestock brands including the two oldest registered brands in the state. These special brands are located in the center of the quilt. Though registration of brands was not legally required until 1911, the CK was registered in 1876 to Conrad Kohrs and his partner and half-brother, John Bielenberg. The Historic Rescource Study cites Kohrs from, "A Veteran's Experience" as stating that the CK brand was first used in 1867 however, almost ten years earlier. Many other brands were registered to the parnership with distinction for purebreds by adding a number. The National Park Service maintains registration of this brand as part of the legacy of the open range cattle industry. Less is known of the Lazy G Hanging K brand. This brand was assigned to Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site and represents Johnny Grant, who first wintered cattle in the Deer Lodge Valley in 1857, and Conrad Kohrs because he ranged cattle over ten million acres in four states and Canada. The brand is significant for the ranch itself commemorates the open range cattle industry, making sure the past is not forgotten.

The entire quilt represents Montana in some fashion. There is silver, gold, and copper in the thread and material. The background in the center is the blue of the Montana sky and the golden of a wheat field. The Montana Stockgrowers Association logo is front and center alongside the unmistakable Montana cowboy. The man in the quilt is clothed in leather and suede fabrics and becomes dimensional with his shirt buttons and metal belt buckle John Logsdon, Linda's husband, bought at a gun show. One might expect the cowboy to look over and say, 'Hey, there!". John helped Linda with the building of the quilt by taking pictures of the brands to transfer to fabric and helping cut them out. "It is an art reading the brands," explained Linda and John, "You have to be educated on how to read them and what they mean to make sure you are getting them right." Linda continued, "Even after we had everything laid out right, after I started sewing, we realized that a couple of them were missing pieces or had gotten flipped around. Then you start again." Linda began the project last December and has well over 250 hours into the finished quilt. Some of the materials were purchased just for the project and some came from Linda's own fabric collection, pieces that complete the quilt but that you wouldn't find in any old fabric store, such as the denim of the cowboy's shirt that sports a red cow skull embroidery pattern. The quilt will be touring the state at different art and quilting shows and other venues until its impending sale in Miles City. "Whoever gets it will be very lucky," said Wanda Pinnow, "The quilt is such a work of art and so representative of the Montana Stockgrowers Association tradition that I could see it being donated to a museum for everyone to enjoy." 1

MCW is selling raffle tickets for Commemorative Brand Quilt - Contact Local Members to purchase raffle tickets

1. Montana Cattle Women. Retrieved May 27th 2009 from

The above image was obtained from the following publication: Brand Book of the Montana Stock Growers' Association for 1903. Helena, Mont.: Independent Publishing Co. 1903.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

4 Brothers: Deer Lodge Valley and the Sun River Country

As early as 1867, Conrad Kohrs raised stock in the Deer Lodge Valley and the Sun River country with his half brother, John Bielenberg. Kohrs settled in the Deer Lodge Valley in 1862 but soon moved to Virginia City and Bannack, and worked as a butcher. He later managed shops in Deer Lodge, Helena, Blackfoot and Pioneer City, and married Augusta Kruse in 1868. Kohrs was an integral part of the infrastructure for mining and agricultural irrigation, creating the Rock Creek Ditch along with William Irvine and others. The ditch is quite an engineering feat, as the ground that was dug is made up of quartz conglomerate and was nearly impossible to dig. It was reported that even dynamite didn't help to construct the ditch and that the ditch was dug with iron gads, chipping off only small pieces at a time, and whipsawed lumber was utilized for flumes. The water company formed by Kohrs was profitable, as the water was sold to scrip-holders, and the water was sold about four times a year, amounting to $72,000.00 in 1867 (Courchene, 1989:21).

The Bielenberg Brothers include Nick, John and Charles, all half-brothers of Conrad Kohrs. Butchers by trade, they ended up settling in Deer Lodge after arriving at Fort Benton. Their start in Deer Lodge came by invitation from Kohrs, who offered them jobs operating his butcher shops throughout the territory (National Park Service, 2006). Charles H. Bielenberg came to Deer Lodge in 1866 and opened the City Market. He ran that business for many years and married Mary Wilhelm in 1869.

Nick, the most prominent businessman of the three brothers, came to Deer Lodge and married Annie Bogk, who's parents owned and operated the McBurney House in Deer Lodge. Nick bought and sold ranches and butcher shops, and established large livestock and butchering operations that were known throughout the northwest, including a wholesale business that became the Butte Butchering Company. The Beilenbergs and Kohrs became involved in large cattle operations in the 1880s and Nick soon entered into the sheep industry, handling more than 130,000 sheep in one year (Courchene, 1989:48). Nick’s large dwelling, constructed in Deer Lodge in 1883, became the high school, but was removed in 1917 to make room for a larger, more modern building. The residence he constructed later, is currently on the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition to his involvement in the stock and butchering business, Nick served as President of the Champion Mining Company and Vice President of the Deer Lodge Mining and Reduction Company. Along with his son-in-law, W.I. Higgins, he helped build a 12-mile, 50,000 volt transmission line to the B and H Mine, putting it on the map as one of the first mines in the country to operate electrically (Courchene 1989:48). Nick was a delegate to the National Convention in 1892, and as a friend of Theodore Roosevelt, was a delegate to the National Progressive Convention that nominated Roosevelt for President in 1912. His interests at home were diverse. He was one of the founders of the Citizens Water Company where he served as President; he was involved in the construction of the new Hotel Deer Lodge; he was financially involved in the completion of the Deer Lodge Woman's Club House, in which his wife, Annie, was a Charter Member; he was a member of the Masonic Order; and he headed the fight for the area's farmers and ranchers against the powerful Anaconda Copper Mining Company's air-pollution. The suite was known as the famous "Smoke Case" that began in 1905 (Fred J. Bliss vs. The Washoe Copper Company and the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 1905-1909).


United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet. Retrieved May 26th 2009 from

Friday, May 22, 2009

Conrad & Augusta Kohrs' Home in Helena, Montana

Victorian style home built in 1887, 7896 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and carriage house with 2-car garage. Oak, maple and mahogany woodwork from the craftsmen of the past and today. Brick and granite work that you cannot replicate. Grand formal dining, parlors and study-this is truly a fine home. Imagine the conversations and lives of those who called this Victorian Lady home over the years.

Address: 804 Dearborn Avenue, Helena, Montana 59601

THE CONRAD KOHRS HOME, located on Helena's Upper West Side at 804 Dearborn, was originally built in 1887 by Joseph H. Russell. Russell was a Virginia miner who followed the gold rush to California and Virginia City in 1864 and then continued on to Helena, where he mined in Grizzly Gulch. Due to financial misfortune, he lost the house to H.A. D'Acheul who rented it to Conrad Kohrs and his wife Augusta. Mrs. Kohrs loved her rented home so much that her husband bought it for her as an anniversary gift for their 32nd wedding anniversary in 1900. Kohrs came to Montana's Deer Lodge Valley in 1862, also looking for gold. He worked as a butcher in Bannack before opening his own meat shop in Alder Gulch and later owned butcher shops at many Montana mining camps. He managed his businesses well and soon was buying cattle throughout the state in order to meet the demand for beef. In 1866 Kohrs purchased the John H. Grant Ranch near Deer Lodge. The "Cattle King of Montana", as he was later known, was integral in the development of Montana's cattle industry. He brought the first shorthorns from Iowa to Montana in 1871 and introduced Herefords in 1880. Kohrs eventually controlled more than a million acres in Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Canada. The Helena mansion Kohrs purchased for his wife is 7,896 square feet, features five bedrooms, three-and-a-half bathrooms, a fantastic kitchen, laundry rooms on two floors, a grand formal dining room, parlors, and a study. Many of the original furnishings are housed at the Grant-Kohrs Ranch in Deer Lodge, which is now a National Historic Site. Over the past 10 years, the current owners have completed extensive updates to all the mechanical systems and restorations to the historical elements of the home. There is also a carriage house that is now used as a garage with living quarters above. Originally the main part of the house consisted of eleven rooms with five rooms in the rear wing for the kitchen, etc. with servants' quarters above. Many of the features in the living and dining room, such as the pocket doors, oak fireplace, woodwork, flooring, brass hardware on the doors and lighting fixtures in the hallway are original. The kitchen has been brought up to modern standards, and will be appreciated by any home chef. In 1911, a bathroom was added through the closet of the master bedroom on the second floor for the visit of Teddy Roosevelt, a friend of Kohrs' from the 1880s when Roosevelt ranched in the Dakota Territory.2 ANASTASIA BURTON


1. Windermere Real Estate: Retrieved May 22, 2009 from

2. Helena Lifestyles: June 2008. Anastasia Burton: Retrieved May 27th 2009 from

See Also:

Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic American Landscapes Survey
Conrad Kohrs House, 804 Dearborn Avenue, Helena, Lewis and Clark County, MT

The Bielenberg Home @ 801 Milwaukee Avenue.

National Register of Historic Places

The Bielenberg Home @ 801 Milwaukee Avenue, Deer Lodge, Montana

Bielenberg, Nick J., House ** (added 1979 - Building - #79003719)
Also known as The Bielenberg Home
801 Milwaukee Ave., Deer Lodge

Historic Significance: Person, Architecture/Engineering
Architect, builder, or engineer: Unknown
Architectural Style: Bungalow/Craftsman
Historic Person: Bielenberg, Nicholas John
Significant Year: 1910
Area of Significance: Agriculture, Architecture, Exploration/Settlement
Period of Significance: 1900-1924
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-function: Secondary Structure, Single Dwelling
Current Function: Domestic
Current Sub-function: Secondary Structure, Single Dwelling


National Registry of Historic Places: MONTANA - Powell County. Retrieved on May 20, 2009 from

William K. Kohrs Memorial Library

National Register of Historic Places

Kohrs, William K., Free Memorial Library (added 1979 - Building - #79001423)
Also known as William K. Kohrs Library
5th St. and Missouri Ave., Deer Lodge

Historic Significance: Event, Architecture/Engineering
Architect, builder, or engineer: Shaffer & Moncrieff, Link & Carter
Architectural Style: Beaux Arts
Area of Significance: Architecture, Social History
Period of Significance: 1900-1924
Owner: Local Gov't
Historic Function: Education
Historic Sub-function: Library
Current Function: Education
Current Sub-function: Library


National Registry of Historic Places: MONTANA - Powell County. Retrieved on May 20, 2009 from

N. J. Bielenberg Mansion, Deer Lodge, MT (1890)

Photograph :Left to Right: Annie Bielenberg and her children Alma, (unknown individual), Augusta (Gussie), Annie and Claude?

Nicholas J Bielenberg built a mansion in 1883 reflective of his acquired wealth; it was described in the newspaper as "Handsomest Dwelling House in Western Montana", "splendid residence" and "Dest Dwelling House in Montana". The mansion that Nick built in 1883-1884 was sold by him in August of 1904 for the High School in Deer Lodge. It was razed in ]917 for the present High School.

Y. M. C. A. Helena, Montana

The 1914 Y.M.C.A building, on the SE corner of Lawrence and Fuller. It was demolished in the 1970s.1

Kohrs was to become identified as a big stock grower, who was to own the famous Johnnie Grant ranch, near what afterwards was to become Deer Lodge, whose blooded cattle and horses were to be known all over the state, and he was also to become instrumental, with his half brother, John Bielenberg, in erecting, 1914, a beautiful building for the Y. M. C. A. in Helena.

The initial gifts of $20,000 and $13,000 which made the building at Helena, Montana, possible were from two old-time cattle men who had never been identified with any particular religious organization, John Bielenberg and Conrad Kohrs. They had made money on the plains. Their daughters were living in .he city and intensely interested in the condition of boys and young men there. Mr. Kohrs had said that he "felt like doing some good with his money before he passed away." These men, used to the hard lives of the plain and familiar with what their cowboys went up against in the city, are very "mellow" than they were dreamed to be towards the youngsters in the city.


1. HELENA As She Was: Images of Montan's Capital City. Retrieved July 3 2009 from

1932 Conrad Kohrs Memorial Building

St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, Montana.

The beautiful 11th avenue doorway to the Kohrs Memorial wing, now all gone.

In 1932, Mrs. Conrad Kohrs, in memory of her husband, provided more than $100,000.00 for a new surgical wing for St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, Montana.1

Typical of twentieth-century American hospitals, St. Peter’s Hospital in Helena grew as a series of wings and in a combination of styles, but the Mission style dominated the look of the complex until a modernist wing, added in 1957, disrupted the hospital’s architectural harmony. The Conrad Kohrs Memorial wing represented a step in the development of the architecture in Montana, as they revealed the Mission style’s compatibility with other styles, particularly Renaissance Revival architecture. In 1931 New York architect Cass Gilbert, a devotee of Mission architecture, designed a new Mission-style wing endowed by Conrad Kohrs’s widow. It housed a much-needed operating room, obstetrical room, and additional private rooms.2

1. Helena As She Was: Retrieved June 17, 2009 from

2. Chacon, Hipolito Rafael. Creating a Mythic Past: Spanish-style Architecture in Montana. Montana The Magazine of Western History, 51 (Autumn 2001), 46-60; Retrieved June 17, 2009 from

Thursday, May 21, 2009



Born: 24 Oct 1870, Deer Lodge, Montana Territory-Died: 23 Jul 1950, Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana.

CLARA EMILY BIELENBERG, the daughter of CHARLES and MARY (nee WILHELMI) BIELENBERG and the wife of WARREN EUGENE EVANS was a public administrator of Powell County Montana since 1916 and owner operator of the Powell County Abstract Company. She was born and reared in the home in which she made here residence until her death. She attended public schools in Deer Lodge and graduated with a degree in Music from Rowland Hall at Salt Lake City in 1886. She was a member of the Sons and Daughters of Montana pioneers, the American Legion auxiliary, Floral Chapter No. 46, Order of the Eastern Star and a charter member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club (obit)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009



Born: 9 May 1904, Davenport, Iowa-Died: 20 Sept, 1960, Rock Island, Ill.

In 1908, Harry's father, Conrad died when Harry was 4 years old. His mother, Anna (nee Mautasch) Kohrs, sister Johanna "Dolly" and Harry lived for many years at 2016 West Fifth Street in Davenport, Iowa. Harry Kohrs, 56, resided at 802 20th Street, Rock Island Illinois died at St. Anthony’s hospital. Born in Davenport, he attended Wentworth Military Academy. He married Ruth C. Lane in Galesburg in 1928. The couple lived in Davenport, before moving to Rock Island 21 years ago. His wife preceded him in death in 1959. Services were at the Runge Chapel in Davenport. Both he and his wife are buried on the "Conrad Kohrs" lot in Oakdale Cemetery, Davenport, Iowa. (obit- Davenport Democrat, Friday 22 Sept 1960).


Born: 22 Feb 1904, Davenport, Iowa-Died: 16 Sept, 1959, Rock Island, Ill.

In 1908, her mother died when Ruth was four years old. Ruth Lane’s mother was hit and killed by streetcar in Davenport, Iowa. Harry and Ruth lived at 2621 Redwood Street, Davenport Iowa with their son’s Donald and Richard for a short time.

Bielenberg: the white hill.

Surname: Bielefeld

Recorded in a number of spellings including Bielfeld, Bielefeld, Bilefeld, Bielfeldt and the quite rare Bielfelt, this is a Prussian (German) surname although with some Polish input. It is either locational from a place called "Bilefelt", or topographical from residence by high quality agricultural land or perhaps chalky lands. The derivation in both cases is from the ancient Polish word "byel" meaning good, fair or white, and in a transferred sense, chalky. There are a number of other surnames which have the prefix Biel, and all have much the same meanings. These range from Biel itself, meaning a person with white hair, to Bielenberg, the white hill. This surname would seem to be first recorded in 1545, when one Hermann Bilefelt appears in the registers of the town of Livland, and in 1641 when Christian Bielfeldt was recorded as being a citizen of the city of Lubeck. Other later recordings taken from the surviving church registers of the former state of Prussia include: Johannes Bieldfeld, who married Rosina Calbary at the church of Sankt Marie, Bosseborn, on October 21st 1682, and a century later Anne Gertrudis Bielfelt, who married Henricus Daarle at Sankt Marten Roman Catholic church, Ahlen, Westfalen, on June 15th 1777. 1

Last name origin & meaning:
German: habitational name from a place named Bielenberg, near Glückstadt in Schleswig-Holstein. 2


1. The Internet Surname Database :haring Family History. Retrieved May 20, 2009 from

2.Family Education. Retrieved May 20, 2009 from

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Montana, USA

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Montana, USA. This engraving shows the ranch around 1880. Caption: Residence of Conrad Kohrs, Deer Lodge, Montana. Kohrs & Bielenberg, Breeders of Short-Horn and Hereford Cattle, Thoroughbred Clydesdale, Perchemon-Norman and Coach Horses

Leeson, M. A. (Michael A.): History of Montana, 1739-1885. Chicago: Warner, Beers and Co., 1885, page 555 - online at the University of Montana


unknown engraver, published without a name.

Surname: Kohrs

Surname: Kohrs

This famous German surname and original personal name of the pre 7th century, is recorded in over one hundred spellings throughout Europe and Scandanavia. These include the basic forms of Conrad (Medieval German and post medieval English and French), Konrad, Kohrt, Kordt, Kunrad, Kuhndert, Kuhnt, and Kurth found mainly in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, to Koenraad (Czech), Kondrat (Russia), Corradi (Italian), Cunradi (Tuscany), Korlat (Hungary), diminutives such as Kienzle, Kunc, Kunz, Kuntz, Kunzel, Zunzelman, and patronymics Kurten, Coners, Conerding, Conradsen, Coenraets, and Kondratovich, and many, many, more. The origination is the ancient compound given name 'Kuoni-rad', which loosely translates as 'brave counsel', and is one of a very large group of similar Germanic names from about fifteen hundred years ago that include Albert, Frederick, and Willhelm. All have similar meanings associated with strength (of both mind and body), victory and courage. It may be that all relate to 'wishful thinking' or hope for the future, as the development of these names coincided with a period of total chaos and seemingly endless war and invasion throughout Europe, following the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. The name has been recorded since time immemorial, and the first of what might loosely be called a hereditary surname recording, may be that of Conrad Conradi, (Conrad, the son of Little Conrad), in the charters of the German town of Elsabe in the year 1297, with Rudolf Kunzelman or Cunzelman being recorded in Ulm, Switzerland, in 1337. 1


1. The Internet Surname Database. Retrieved May 3, 2009 from

Friday, May 1, 2009


To view the interactive map, visit the following link: Bielenberg/Gehrmann/Kohrs Dwellings (Davenport, Iowa)

To view the most recent interactive map, developed on July 5, 2009 visit the following link:Bielenberg/Gehrmann/Kohrs Dwellings (Davenport, Iowa)

To view an interactive map of the historic buildings of Davenport, Iowa , visit the following link: Historic sites (Davenport, Iowa)

DOWN at Frick's Bar

Photo of Frick's Bar

Article below is from the Quad Cities Times Posted: Friday, February 11, 2005 12:00 am | By: Bill Wundram

… And a guy who hid 2 shots in the men's room

DOWN at Frick's Bar, the vintage neon sign in the front window at 1402 W. 3rd St. still says, "Good Beer, Served Properly." The air is redolent with the sweet smell of beer in what's claimed as Davenport's oldest-running bar. It is a saloon of memories, of hog butchers who elbowed the bar with politicians, and a little man who always hid two shots of whiskey in the men's room. Frick's is thought to be 130 years old — no one can say for certain — and the only thing new is the owner, Bret Dalton, who has just bought the place. He stands, smiling behind the shiny bar, which has a network of deep round dents. It is a mystery how they got there. Dalton bought the saloon — which is as historic as any church, landmark or old house in the city — as a fluke. "I saw this ad in the QUAD-CITY TIMES about a tavern for sale in downtown Davenport. I was interested, thinking I'd buy out my competition," says Bret, who owns Dalton's, a popular downtown watering hole and restaurant. "I was surprised to find the place was Frick's, a dozen blocks from downtown."

Probably, it is the narrowest barroom in the Quad-Cities. The space from bar to wall is 15 feet, and the place is 75 feet long, Bret says. As it always has been, Frick's is still a social gathering place for the west end of Davenport. It has been that way since the Frick family took over in 1888. It was a bar before that, doing back to the mid-1870s. The mosaic front entry still bears the name Frick. Generations ago, working men crossed that mosaic, carrying their quart pails to be filled with beer to be taken home. They'd smear grease around the rim to cut down on foam and get more beer. Through prohibition and depression, wars and peace, the old corner tap has hung on like a dog to its bone. It survived prohibition by selling ice cream, near beer and root beer. Who is to say that the beer wasn't spiked with grain alcohol in cars parked outside on West 3rd, where the trolley cars rattled along the brick street. Since taking over, Dalton has made few changes. He has painted the ceiling, and done other sprucing up, but the place still lingers with a built-in essence of cigarette and cigar smoke. There's no way to squeeze the barroom scent from a knotty pine wall. That pine stretch has a long shelf, about a yard wide, a congenial place for stand-up drinkers to debate the Cubs' trade of Sammy Sosa. Thankfully, the original mirrors have been returned to the back bar. That is an admirable move, because a mirror is a good place to stare at life, if at nothing but yourself, on a lonely afternoon.

Long ago, in the Frick family days, the hog butchers from Kohrs Packing Co. would stop by after work for boilermakers (a shot and a beer), and Oscar Mayer employees are still patrons. Ed Frick, one of the finest mayors to ever run the fair city of Davenport, presided over political decisions in front of that mirrored back bar that still is embellished with Tiffany style tulips. After the death of Mayor Ed Frick, his son Ross took after. When Ross died, it passed on to others in the family for a spell. There are so many stories about Frick's, in the brick building that began life as a bakery. Searching through musty drawers, the new owner has found such items as a baseball betting sheet, likely from the 1920s, when each league had only eight teams. The place for depositing bets was listed as a health facility at 220 Harrison St. In so many words, a bettor could say he was "going to the hospital" as an excuse for wagering. Then, there was the gent who would come to the bar with his wife. It was always a respectable place for women. In advance, he would call the bartender to put two shots of whiskey for him in the men's rest room before he arrived. He kept ducking in there to take a snort. His wife never knew. One night, some other guy went in the restroom and drank his drinks.
Ed Frick often told that story, repeating, "I never saw a guy so mad."


Quad Cities Times:… And a guy who hid 2 shots in the men's room. Retrieved 01 May 2009 from

Another stay at the Hog Hotel’

Photo of Kohrs Packing Plant (Davenport, Iowa) 1910

Quoted from the Quad Cities Times:Mailbag full of memories..........

Oscar Mayer’s old hog containment building, known as the “Hog Hotel,” continues to generate comments from readers. David Odean of Davenport, a project engineer at the plant for more than 30 years, adds some helpful facts to our column about the most visible portion of the hog slaughtering operation: “The hog hotel, three-fourths of which still stands today as the maintenance center, was built by Oscar Mayer in 1965. It was built to house 10,000 hogs, a day’s kill in the 1960s. Oscar Mayer demolished over 30 slaughtering-related buildings between 1985 and 1992. And of the 35 or so buildings that make up the complex today, only seven were original Kohrs buildings. The original hog hotel, built by Kohrs in the 1920s, was one of the 30 buildings demolished by Oscar Mayer in about 1988.”


Quad Cities Times:Mailbag full of memories. Retrieved 01 May 2009 from

Gehrmann's on Horseback

Front yard of Grant Kohrs Ranch House, (Deer Lodge, Montana) with Will and Harry Gehrmann on horses, circa 1904.

Source: Grant Kohrs Ranch NHS Archives

Saturday, April 25, 2009

German Descent In Davenport & Scott County

View of Davenport, Iowa

The following paragraphs are from Chapter XXIX, History of Davenport and Scott County, Iowa, by Harry E. Downer. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1910.


The earliest German immigration came to Scott county almost at the beginning of her history. From historic sources of unquestioned verity the population of Davenport in 1836 was about 100, consequently the history of the village cannot be said to have begun before that date. On may 15, 1836 the first German family came to this vicinity. It was the family of Carl Jacob Freitag (Friday) who with his wife and his three sons, Johann, Jacob and Gottlieb, had emigrated from Wurttemberg, pressed forward across the broad, western prairies, for the most part using a yoke of oxen for transportation, until he settled as a farmer in what is now Rockingham township, a few miles down the Mississippi river. Here in the new home three days later, a daughter, Caroline, was born to the German pioneer couple. In the year 1836 there also landed in America the Bomberg family which included Friedrich Ernst Bomberg, his wife and seven children......

Early in the year 1848 Davenport received an additional company of German immigrants numbering about 250, most of these coming from Schleswig-Holstein, where political conditions were intolerable. This stream of immigration continued, as those who had reached this land induced their friends and relatives to come. When finally the struggle of Schleswig-Holstein against Danish despotism had reached an unfortunate conclusion a larger immigration began in the years from 1851 to 1853. The German immigration was swelled by those coming from other German provinces, due to the reaction following the times of revolution in the fatherland. Until the beginning of the '1880s, a large stream of German immigration poured into this vicinity, which gradually became weaker, and although today comparatively few in the old fatherland think of emigrating it has never entirely ceased.

The Iowa census of 1890 gave Scott county a population of 43,164, of which 10,130, or very nearly one-fourth, were natives of Germany. If to this large number be added the German immigration of the twenty years following 1890 and the direct descendants of all those coming from Germany a strong showing is made for the strength of German-Americanism in this county. That not all descendants of Germans retain their German spirit is unfortunately true, yet on the other hand, it is pleasant to be able to state that in a large number of the sons and daughters of the immigrants of the '40s till '60s, the inherited spirit of the fatherland still is manifest and the love of the German language and the good old German customs has not died out. There has been no lack of continued commercial success for such true German-Americans. It is only necessary to mention here the descendants of several old forty-eighters and others more recent: Louis Hanssen's Sons, Christ Mueller's Sons, Ferdinand Roddewig's Sons, H. & H. Rohlfs, Wahle brothers, Peter Feddersen, Oswald, Walter and Herman Schmidt, Charles Naeckel's Sons, T. Richter's Sons, the sons of Henry Lischer, Alfred and Henry True, Henry and William Wiese, Ad. Eckermann, and others.


1. History of Davenport and Scott County, Iowa, by Harry E. Downer. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1910.
Viewed at the following website:


Children of Conrad Carston Kohrs & Anna (nee Mattausch) Kohrs

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oakdale Cemetery, Davenport Iowa

Oakdale Cemetery was incorporated on May 14, 1856, in Davenport, Iowa, by a group of local businessmen. The original 40-acre plot has grown over time, and today the cemetery is composed of 78.3 acres. Jazz musician Bix Beiderbecke, who grew up in Davenport, is among the prominent local citizens interred in the cemetery.1

The following family members are resting at the Oakdale Cemetery:
Bielenberg, Gesche, 1804-1886
Bielenberg, Claus, 1819-1901
Kohrs, Henry, 1830-1917
Kohrs, Johanna, 1833-1919
Kohrs, Mary, 1860-1930
Kohrs, Bertha, 1865-1961
Kohrs, Frank, 1876-1956
Kohrs, Hilda Marie, 1885-1922
Kohrs, Frank W, 1920 -1980
Kohrs, Robert, 1896 -1935
Kohrs, Conrad C., 1868-1908
Kohrs, Anna M., 1877-1943
Kohrs, Dollie J., 1899-1970
Kohrs, Harry C., 1904-1960
Kohrs, Ruth C., 1904-1959
Kohrs, Harold, 1898-1955
Kohrs, Irma
Kohrs, John J. 1932-1951
Gehrmann, Wm. H., 1858-1933
Gehrmann, Helen Kohrs, 1863-1954
Gehrmann, William Conrad, 1889-1965
Gehrmann, Anita Paula, 1891-1975
Gehrmann, John Henry, 1892-1985
Gehrmann, Edna Marie, 1892-1985


1. Oakdale Memorial Gardens: Retrieved on April 18th from the following website:

First National Bank & Davenport Saving Bank

Title: First National Bank
Photographer: Hostetler, J. B.
Studio Name/Location: Hostetler Studio, Davenport, Iowa
Date: Original ca. 1900-1907
Description: Photograph of the First National Bank/Davenport Savings Bank located at the southwest corner of Second and Main in Davenport, Iowa. Other businesses in the building are Louis A LeClaire's & Co. Publishers, Telephone Exchange, and the Davenport Safety Deposit Company. To the left is a sign for Dr. J.W. McKee Dental Parlors, and to the right is the Sommers & LaVelle clothing store. Also visible in the photograph is a telephone pole, a gas street lamp, and horse and buggies. A young boy sits on the steps in front of the building, and three men stand on the corner. This building was torn down ca. 1908-1910 to make way for a newer building.
Location Depicted: Southwest corner of 2nd and Main, Davenport, Iowa
Repository: Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center, Davenport Public Library, 321 Main Street, Davenport, Iowa 52801
Repository Collection: Hostetler Studio Collection
Object Description: 1 negative : glass, b&w ; 10 x 8 in.
Original Database: This record is from the Upper Mississippi Valley Digital Image Archive,, a collaborative project of cultural heritage organizations in the Iowa-Illinois Mississippi River region.

The First National Bank of Davenport, Iowa was organized June 27, 1863, with a capital of $100,000.  The banks organization papers were the first to be filed in Washington under the national banking act, and would have had the first charter issued, but for some informality in the papers which required them to be returned for correction.  This loss of time placed it at No. 15 on the list.  Its first board of directors were Royal L. Mack, Geo. S. C. Dow, Thos. Scott, J. E. Stevenson, Geo. H. French, James Armstong, Frank H. Griggs, John Schmidt, Austin Corbin.  Its first president was Austin Corbin, who was succeeded in the presidency by Ira M. Gifford, Hiram Price, James Thompson, Chas. E. Putnam and T. T. Dow.  The first cashier was Ira M. Gifford who was succeeded by D. C. Porter, Wm. H. Price, D. C. Porter, L. G. Gage and John B. Fidlar. Future directors included Walker Adams, James Thompson, T. T. Dow, A. Burdick, Henry W. Kerker, L. Schricker, J. E. Stevenson, L. C. Dessaint, Nat. French, August Steffen, Henry Kohrs.1

Title: Davenport Savings Bank
Photographer: Hostetler, J. B.
Studio Name/Location: Hostetler Studio, Davenport, Iowa
Date Original: ca. 1912-1920
Description: Photograph of the Davenport Savings Bank building, formerly known as the McManus building located at 200-208 Main Street (northwest corner of 2nd and Main) in Davenport, Iowa. Other businesses in the building are Myers Modiste, Pennsylvania Lines, Anchor Line, Tri-City Feature Film Exchange, and Dr. Stuck.
Location Depicted: 200-208 Main Street, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa
Subject: Davenport Savings Bank (Davenport, Iowa)
Notes: Dates and location determined from the Davenport city directories 1902-1913.
Repository: Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center, Davenport Public Library, 321 Main Street, Davenport, Iowa 52801
Repository Collection: Hostetler Studio Collection
Object Description: 1 negative : glass, b&w ; 10 x 8 in.
Original Database: This record is from the Upper Mississippi Valley Digital Image Archive,, a collaborative project of cultural heritage organizations in the Iowa-Illinois Mississippi River region.

The Davenport Savings bank was the next to be incorporated and it opened its doors for business on April 1, 1870, with a capital of $12,000. The incorporators were Judge James Grant, C. E. Putnam, Abner Davison, James Armstrong, James Thompson, Ira M. Gifford, S. F. Smith, Thomas Scott and Francis Ochs. The capital stock has been increased from time to time until it is now $300,000. Of this sum but $35,000 has been actually paid in in cash, the remaining amount having been paid in from its earnings. During the forty-one years of the bank's existence it has had but five presidents. C. E. Putnam, the first president, was succeeded in 1884 by Walker Adams. In 1888 Anthony Burdick was elected and continued in the office until 1905, when he was succeeded by William O. Schmidt, who held the office until his death, in August, 1908. It is interesting to note that Louis Haller has served as vice president for thirty-six years, from 1874 to the present time. Francis Ochs, the first cashier, was succeeded by R. Smetham in 1874. In 1879 Charles N. Voss, now president of the German Savings bank, became cashier, serving until 1885, when succeeded by J. B. Meyer. Henry C. Struck, the present incumbent, succeeded Mr. Meyer in 1892. The present officers are: directors, Louis Haller and Henry Kohrs, who have served since the organization of the bank forty years ago, Anthony Burdick, John F. Dow, Henry C. Struck, W. H. Wilson, August E. Steffen, John W. Gilchrist, and Theo. Krabbenhoeft; president, John F. Dow; vice president, Louis Haller; cashier, H. C. Struck; teller, Otto L. Ladenberger; assistant teller, A. Brunig; attorney, W. H. Wilson. The total amount of surplus and undivided profits at the time of the last public statement was $294,363, and the deposits, $4,016,442. 2


1. Celtic Cousins. Retrieved 06 December 2008 from

2. Celtic Cousins. Retrieved 06 December 2008 from

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Davenport's German-American Heritage Center

Renovation gives Standard Hotel new life as German Heritage Center

Once home to drug addicts and prostitutes, the Standard Hotel has been given a new life. On May 27, the German American Heritage Center will open its doors to the public with a traditional MAIFEST celebration according to board member Harlan Meier. The $1.8 million dream is becoming a reality after years of planning. About six years ago Scharlott Goettsch Blevins persuaded a handful of people to join her in creating a center to preserve the heritage of the German immigrants who helped establish this part of the country. ``If this generation doesn't preserve our heritage, it will be gone forever,'' he said. ``Many people think of St. Louis as the gateway to the west. The Quad-Cities was also a gateway. Those who settled in Nebraska, Dakotas and Iowa would come here before starting their journey.'' The former hotel was the perfect location for such a center because it stands in what was once the hub of German life in Davenport and most likely was a place of refuge for many immigrants. Standing at a fourth floor window of the former hotel, German American Mr. Meier ponders about how many people, German immigrants specifically, stopped at the same window to admire the view of the Mississippi River throughout the building's 132-year history. It would be impossible to guess how many over-nighted in the hotel at the foot of the Centennial Bridge on the corner of 2nd and Gaines streets, he said. It is likely the hotel was the first stop for newcomers after landing near where John O'Donnell stadium now stands. Mr. Meier guesses that many immigrants were German since the area was heavily settled by Germans. They would be attracted to the hotel because it was built and owned by Germans. The original three-story west wing was built in 1868 by an unknown person who called the hotel Germania Haus. In 1875, the building was bought by John Frederick Miller who expanded to the east as well as adding a story.Mr. Miller kept the name Germania Haus and added a likeness of a Roman goddess who was said to protect the ground called Germania. As the former hotel's history is being stripped to make way for the new, the past becomes evident in the charred ceiling rafters and the tongue-and-groove floor that still mark the size of the old hotel rooms. ``They were small, but probably comfortable for then,'' Mr. Meier said. Throughout the next 100 years the building continued to provide shelter; however, the clientele changed dramatically as did the neighborhood. Rooms were rented by the hour and became a haven to undesirables and parts of society that had hit rock bottom instead of those who were seeking a better life, Mr. Meier said. Today the building is in the pathway of renovation, Mr. Meier said. [The restoration includes bringing the exterior of the building to its original\par likeness during the turn of the century - circa 1898.] Businesses and organizations have been supportive in the group's efforts to rejuvenate the building and create a place for the community and tourists to visit and learn. For those wanting to learn more about the association a web site has been created at or by calling 322-8844. ``One of our goals is to have a place to preserve grandma's things,'' Mr. Meier said. ``To preserve her history and our families' histories. Someday we'll have German language classes, family trees...perhaps a floor devoted to women of German heritage. The women were very significant in the profitability and success of the German family.''

Center keeps heritage alive

A Bush for president sticker on the bill of his cap, a corn grower's emblem on his jacket, praises for the German American Heritage Center being completed in Davenport -- are symbolic of Harlan Meier's life. Mr. Meier has spent his life promoting, either a product or an organization, in addition to running a large farming operation. ``The more I had going for me the happier I was,'' Mr. Meier said. The only regret is that I didn't spend more time with my children. Looking back, well I've had quite a life.'' It started on a farm settled by his grandfather in 1900. He grew up during The Great Depression never learning they were poor, but learning the value of hard work. As a boy on the farm he would ride the grain binder cutting oats that would be bundled then put into shocks. Later he and his father would bring the shocks in on a horse drawn hayrack for threshing. His father's job would be to pitch the bundles into the thresher, while Mr. Meier carefully put the straw into stacks that would shed water. His reward for helping his father was to visit his aunt in Davenport where he could use the shower with hot running water, ride bicycles on pavement and wash a nickle bag of potato chips down with a nickle bottle of pop. It may not sound like a great reward but it beat washing in a galvanized tub on the back porch and using a building with two holes and a Sears and Roebuck catalog. In his spare time he'd peddle his bike around neighboring farms and sell garden seeds. Doing so would earn him a watch or another ``gift'' from the seed company. After serving in Korea, Mr. Meier attended Iowa State University, but his mind was on farming. He farmed in partnership with his father, then with his son. He retired from farming in 1993, but works part time as a grain trailer salesman. His goal when he started farming in the 1950's was to farm 1,000 acres and be worth $100,000. Those were lofty goals for a young man back then, he said laughing at the memory. By 1972 he was farming 2,000 acres in three counties, including the farm homesteaded by his grandfather in 1900. ``I was young, ambitious and foolish,'' Mr. Meier said. ``I did everything could to make an honest dollar. If you really want to farm today, you have to have a job in town and salt away money earned on the farm.'' During his farming career, he had a successful chemical supply and grain bin business. The chemical supply business started when he bought a old Studebaker truck and installed a model A drive line in it to slow it down. That enabled him to spread pounds instead of tons. He got a contract with a fertilizer company and cleaned out the chicken house -- he was in business. While selling bins and supplying fertlizer along with farming 2,000 acres would have been enough for most men, Mr. Meier was active in the corn promotion board, served 15 years with the Iowa Corn Growers and National Corn Growers, was on the U. S. Meat Export Federation Board and the U. S. Feed Grain Council. ``If you have a passion for agriculture, you have to make it better for the coming generation,'' he said. ``I believe strongly in these groups, someone has to speak for them. Without those lobby groups, agriculture would be much poorer.''Visiting Korea on a food-safety mission 44 years after the war ended, Mr. Meier said he saw first hand what freedom and help can do. The two-lane dusty streets traveled only by a few men and maybe horse that had survived pulling a cart he remembered had turned into a 12-lane highway with Mercedes and Hyundais speeding by highrises. Mr. Meier's passion is not just for agriculture, but for the past as well. Mr. Meier isn't a founding member of the organization, but he's a vocal member. He's taken on the task of helping build the organization's membership and helping raise money to see the work is completed on the once proud establishment known as the Germania Haus owned by J. F. Miller and later the Standard Hotel. ``I like to make people aware of what is being done,'' Mr. Meier said. ``The heritage center is important to people on both sides of the river. Heritage is important. The best way to learn about someone is to ask about their heritage. Start asking questions, people enjoy sharing information. Preserving history, it's not something you realize the importance of when you're young.'' [Mr. Meier has demonstrated that typical hard work ethic that was brought from the old country by so many of our German immigrant ancestors as a Board Director of the German American Heritage Center. Through his support and enthusiasm, the Center is becoming a reality. It is hoped that many other Americans throughout the mid-west with German ancestors will join in with such enthusiasm and support of the German American Heritage Center's opening. Information on the MAIFEST will be forthcoming.

January 9, 2000
By Pam Berenger, Dispatch/Argus Staff writer
Copyright 2000, Moline Dispatch Publishing Co.

Visit Davenport's German-American Heritage Center at:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Corner of 2nd Street and Harrison Street, Davenport, IA (1907)

Photo by Frederick J Bandholtz (1877-19__), August 26, 1907

The original is a gelatin silver print, 10-inches high by 47 inches wide.