Friday, September 13, 2013

Montana Will Can Her Own Beef

Montana Will Can Her Own Beef

According to press dispatches Montana is likely to enter into competition with Chicago in the dressed beef products and butcher here the splendid products of its ranges. From the press dispatches we are assured that this is to happen within a year and the men behind the proposition are financially able to carry it to a successful conclusion

Joe Toomey of Deer Lodge, John Gerdts, of Garrison, Senator Conrad Kohrs, Charles, Nick, John Bielenberg, Frank Conley, Tom McTague of Deer Lodge and Henry Maher of Race Track, are interested in this formation of the company, which is to be a million dollar concern. These gentlemen met in Butte within the past few days and perfected plans for the formation of the company. In addition to the men named many of the state’s wealthiest stockgrowers will be interested in the concern. Conley and McTague have offered a large piece of land and Henry Maher, of Race Track, has offered a full section as a site for the establishment. Gerdts is after the plant for Race Track as the Bielenbergs for Deer Lodge.

The new concern will be equipped in a manner which will allow nothing to go to waste. Hides will be handled and turned into leather, tallow will be manufactured into butterine and oleo; horns into comb and hoofs into glue. Beef extracts and possibly canned products will also be manufactured.

Source: The Havre Plaindealer – Volume 5 No.2, Havre, Montana, Feb 10, 1906

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