He is a son of NJ Bielenberg, an honored old resident of Deer Lodge and a man of similar variety fortune and experience. His father was born 1846 near the city of Hamburg, but over the line Holland In 1848 his parents came to the United and settled at Davenport Iowa where he lived until he was seventeen years of age. He then learned the butcher's trade in Chicago and in 1863 came to the Northwest frontier traveling up the River and arriving at Fort Benton Montana in 1863. He followed his trade in Blackfoot then a thriving mining town and was one of first butchers in Helena. He bought a ranch Dempsey Creek in Powell County and still owns 7,000 acres in that vicinity. Through many years he continued his trade and his business as a retail and wholesale meat dealer and originated the Butte Butcher Company, an organization still in existence and in which he has financial interests. His home has been at Deer Lodge since 1873 and he was in the butcher business there until he sold out in 1909. Through half a century or more he has given much time to mining and has operated at Butte, Helmville, Missoula in Powell County, at Contact Nevada and in fact his interests and operations in the gold silver copper lead and placer mines might be said to cover every important mining district in the West. He is a man of indefatigable energy great enterprise and through the exercise of both physical and moral courage achieved more than ordinary success. He was the first man to drive cattle from Montana across to Cheyenne the nearest railroad point. He is enjoying a serene existence after the many trials and tribulations of pioneer days. He is a republican and a member of the Presbyterian Church is affiliated with Helena Lodge of Masons and the Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Helena and has been a public spirited citizen of Deer Lodge many years. He was the originator of the waterworks system of that town and in other ways has promoted its development and upbuilding. He owns a large amount of real estate and some years ago he erected one of the finest homes in the city on Milwaukee avenue. NJ Bielenberg married Annie Bogk who was born in 1850 and died at Deer Lodge in 1918. Alma the oldest of their children is the wife of WI Higgins a mine operator at Deer Lodge. Howard Z is the second in age, Gussie died unmarried in 1891, she was a prominent member of the Woman's Club at Deer Lodge and as a memorial to her father built and gave to the club its handsome club building. Anne is the wife of MC Newlon a monument dealer at Bakerfield California Claude N the youngest of the family is on his father's ranch at Dempsey Howard Z Beilenberg attended public school at Deer Lodge a military academy at Davenport Iowa and finished his education in the Helena Business College At the age of twenty one he began his independent career when he went north to Alaska and as a gold prospector and miner was in the Nome rush and later made a trip within the Arétic Circle He had more than the ordinary success in that northern country He returned to Deer Lodge in 1901 but in 1902 went back to Alaska and remained there about five years From 1907 to 1910 Mr Bielenberg was interested in a ranch at Deer Lodge He then traveled over the state about a year and on resuming his home at Deer Lodge invested his means in local real estate and established the garage on Main Street which he still owns and manages This is the leading garage in point of service and equipment in Powell County In 1911 Mr Bielenberg made a trip to the Panama Canal Zone to look after some landed interests owned by his father there Mr Bielenberg owns a modern home at 509 Missouri Avenue he is a republican and Presbyterian and is affiliated with Anaconda Lodge No 239 of the Order of Elks September 2 1908 at Helena Montana he married Miss Annie Winkelman Her father is the noted John Winkelman of Helena an interesting pioneer character of the Northwest born at Beyrcuth Germany came to the United States in 1869 and for ten years wore Uncle Sam s uniform in the regular army He was with the army in Montana when some of the buildings were erected at Fort Benton and Fort Missoula When he left _the army after ten years of service be located at Bielenberg and has been continuously connected with some of the mercantile establishements of that city He is a republican and Lutheran and Odd Fellow He married Ellen Gibson who was born in Sweden in 1854 Mrs Bielenberg is the only child of her parents and was liberally educated in the grammar and high schools of Helena the Helena Business College and is one of the most prominent Woman's Club members of the state She is active in the Deer Lodge Club which she has served as president and is now chairman of the Literary Department and in 1906 she originated and has been the first and only president of the Parent Teachers Association of Deer Lodge Mr and Mrs Bielenberg have three children tJohn Howard born November 14 1909 Nicholas born November 27 1913 and Mary Ellen born December 13 1914.
Montana, Its Story and Biography: A History of Aboriginal and Territorial Montana and Three Decades of Statehood, Under the Editorial Supervision of Tom Stout ....
Tom Stout
American Historical Society, 1921
Mrs. Anna W. Bielenberg, 75, died at a Missoula hospital -Wednesday afternoon after a long illness. | She was born in Helena. May 28. 1886, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Winkleman. early day residents of Helena. She attended Helena schools. She married Howard Z. Bielenberg in September 1908. He preceded her in death a few years ago. She served as librarian in Deer Lodge at the William J. Kohrs Memorial Library for nearly 20 years and was then employed by the Red Cross in Helena until her retirement several years ago. She was active in the Deer Lodge Women's Club and a member of Miriam Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star in Helena. She is survived by a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Tavenner, Deer Lodge Valley; two sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Bielenberg. Helena. and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bielenberg, Deer Lodge. The Montana Standard (Butte, Montana) 13 Jul 1961, Thursday Page 10.
MONTANA STANDARD. BUTTE, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 1938. DEER LODGE SOCIETY Wedding Announced. DEER LODGE, Jan. 8.--(Special) -- Announcement was made this week of the marriage of Nick. Bielenberg, son of Mrs. Anna W. Bielenberg of this city, to Miss Bette Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bell of Jollet, prominent families of Montana, The ceremony was an event of Dec. 30, 1937, at Las Vegas, Nev. Mrs. Bielenberg completed her college work at the close of the fall Quarter, receiving a degree In applied arts. She Is a member of PI BeU Phi social sorority. Delta Phi Delta, national art honorary, and the Art club. Mr. Bielenberg grew to manhood In this community, attending the local schools and graduating from Montana State College. He was listed in the art and architectural departments. Mr. Bielenberg was affiliated with the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. He was prominently connected with many fields of extracurricular activity during his college career, being among other things, president of the associated student body, member of Sepfemvlri Les Bouffons, the Montana staff, a record swimmer and president of Delta Phi Delta, national art honorary. After a short honeymoon trip to Southern California, Mr. and Mrs. Bielenberg will make their home at Little Lake, Calif., where he is employed as a draftsman.
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